Nov 29, 2012

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Google Integrates Drive + Gmail and offers 10GB Attachments

Intended for some that were to addict in uploading and downloading data from the internet, you must be extra cautious in regards of the ads that were commonly appear in any department. As we know that there were some who’s Email accounts offers to transfer up to 25MB, you should know that there were a lots of scams and imitation today. 

Google however heard the users complains that the combination between Google drive and popular Email system were very common. This is however a very alarming issue. It allows users to change up 25MB to 10GB which is very catchy and interesting. While Google also made a “Smart Assistant” through a file sender that may help the sender if in case they can no longer open their documents.

One of the Google Product Manager Phil Sharp stated in a blog message of “Gmail and Drive – a new way to send files” that data sending to a new system has an accurate storage called “Cloud”, so it is therefore all the sender and receiver could access the most recent version.

Sharp further stated that “Similar to a Smart assistant, Gmail must be too cautious with their recipients that they can be able to open and access the file they were sending. And this should be work like a Gmail will obtain its attachment detector, specifically when you will send files or data this shouldn’t be seen on public so user could still be prompted to change or edit the file they were sending. And this must be even going with the drive links that was saved directly into the email.”

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